Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week 1 … Esquisse 1: A RARE Concept

What is R.A.R.E Architecture? Renewable




A key element of RARE Architecture is the concept of ‘adaptibility.’

We had to form groups and create an esquisse model. My team members are Ilya Osman, Joey Narte and Kartina Bahari.

As a team we explored various ideas of folding, inflating and stacking. We first experimented with the idea of Japanese paper folding art of origami. Then with folding and bending geometrical shapes…

Our Equisse model:

This space could be adapatable with the form either becoming wider, longer or shorter, with the geometrical pattern being random or structured,

I really like the random geometry of the exterior architectural form…it makes me want to go in and explore the space…its sort of organic but faceted at the same time…

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